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iTunes 7.3 qui ne marche pas sur on PB

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PowerBook G3 Bronze
PowerBook G3 Bronze

Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2004
Messages: 5468

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 20:27    Sujet du message: iTunes 7.3 qui ne marche pas sur on PB Répondre en citant

j'avais mon PB avec moi en vacances
iTunes 7.2 marchait au poil

bon je rentre de vacances Sad
je fais la maj 10.4.10
et depuis iTunes refuse de se lancer
au moment d'avoir le message comme quoi j'accepte les conditions d'utilisation
pouf l'icone qui rebondit, s'arrete de rebondir
et puis plus rien

nettoyage de TOUT avec onyx version 1.8.1b1
-> lancement d'iTunes sans succés

désinstal d'iTunes avec AppZapper
réinstall d'iTunes 7.3
-> lancement d'iTunes sans succés

reinstall de la combo (163Mo)
-> lancement d'iTunes sans succés

donc je voudrais bien essayer de réinstaller iTunes 7.2 pour voir
si jamais j'ai de la chance et que ca remarche
MAIS je ne trouve AUCUN lien pour ce fichier évidemment

si quelqu'un a un lien
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PowerBook 190
PowerBook 190

Inscrit le: 04 Sep 2004
Messages: 3734

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 20:36    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

je suis ton sauveur
( si si)
1- essaye d'autres manip avec 7.3
2- ensuite reinstaller 7,.2 ( je te donnerai le lien en bas)

citation de 2 troubleshooting 7.3 de l'excellent site macfixit
pas besoin d'etre 100% bilingue pour piger les manips

iTunes 7.3 (#2): Fails to launch (-50 errors), fixes; Display bug in podcasts; more

Fails to launch, fixes Several readers have reported a problem where iTunes 7.3 fails to launch, bouncing a few times in the dock then proceeding no further or unexpectedly quitting immediately after launch.

Meanwhile, as previously reported, some users are experiencing an issue after updating to iTunes 7.3 where they receive the error message:
? "The iTunes Library cannot be saved. An unknown error has occurred (-50)"

when launching the new version. The error usually occurs during the "Updating iTunes Library" process. We previously noted that users may want to try re-creating the iTunes Library via the instructions in this Apple Knowledge Base article, or seeking out potentially problematic files in the ~/Music/iTunes Music/ folder.

MacFixIt reader Orlando Santos writes:

"This morning using "software update" in my MacBook Pro 2GHZ Core Duo, 2GB RAM, 100GB HD, 15" screen, Mac OSX 10.4.10, I downloaded the iTunes update to 7.3 and the installation process was fine like always. But when I went to try to open iTunes the app wouldn't launch, the little black triangle next to the icon in the dock when an app is being open was flashing but then it vanished. I did several restarts and one shutdown and no luck, then this afternoon I went to your page and tried the steps for the itunes library, that didn't work either for when you get to the step to launch the app it still wouldn't do it. Then I tried downloading the standalone DMG and did a second successful installation according to the installer, but still the app won't launch."

Another reader adds:

"I installed iTunes 7.3 on 10.4.10 on my 2.33GHz MPB, and it fails to launch - bounces a couple of times in the dock, then quits."


Check for other applications/add-ons that access iTunes Some instances of this issue can be resolved by quitting applications or system processes that have the capability to launch iTunes, or otherwise rely on the application.

This includes Widgets, iTunes-based alarms and more.

If you cannot find a running application or add-on that is using iTunes in some way, check for hidden processes using Activity Monitor (per instructions in this article) that may be forcing iTunes to stay launched.

Disable APE for iTunes In some cases the problem can be caused (or at least traced to) haxies that run under the Application Enhancer (APE) umbrella.

As such, you can try excluding iTunes from from Application Enhancer's (APE) effective list via the following instructions:
1 Open System Preferences
2 Click on the Application Enhancer Preference Pane located in the "Other" section.
3 Select Application Enhancer at the top of the haxie list.
4 Once selected, there will be a tab entitled "Master Exclude List" - select the "Master Exclude List" tab.
5 Use the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the window to open a navigation window. Navigate to the Finder, which is located in /System/Library/CoreServices. Select the Finder to add it to the Master Exclude List.

Failing the above steps, try uninstalling APE completely by re-downloading the Application Enhancer installer, then launching it and selecting the "Uninstall" option.

MacFixIt reader Padmavyuha writes:

"Okay, disabling APE until the License screen was passed fixed this."

Restart in Safe mode Some users have been able to resolve this issue by simply restarting in safe mode once, then restarting back in normal mode. Booting in safe mode clears specific cache files and performs other maintenance routines that may work to eliminate the iTunes launching problem.

Display bug in podcasts A few users are reporting problems with displaying some data in podcasts.

One reader writes:

"In the Podcasts folder, change from list to group view. The artwork column will not get refreshed and will retain some leftover text from the list view. My system: 10.4.10, PowerMac Dual G5 2GHz 3.5 GB Ram. Problem does not appear in Music, Movies, or TV Shows folders."

Songs not displayed, but are playable Some MacFixIt readers have reported an issue where songs are not displayed in the main iTunes window, but are present and playable.

One reader writes:

"After applying the update for itunes, my main screen is empty. I can see my albums on the left, but if i click one nothing shows up, window is empty. The odd part is, everything is playable already deleted the .plist but no effect."
iTunes 7.3 (#3): Downgrading to iTunes 7.2; Deleting and restoring the library for -50 errors; more

Downgrading to iTunes 7.2 For many serious issues with iTunes 7.3, the only viable fix is reversion to iTunes 7.2. Unfortunately, Apple does not maintain old versions of iTunes. As such, if you did not keep a copy of the iTunes 7.2 installer (as described here), your options are limited. Fortunately, OldApps has a mirrored copy of iTunes 7.2 available for download.

In order to downgrade to iTunes 7.2, follow these steps:

1. Delete the following files:
? The iTunes 7.3 application (located in /Applications)
? (from ~/Library/Preferences)
? iTunes.pkg (from /Library/Receipts)
? iTunesX.pkg (from /Library/Receipts)

2. Download and install iTunes 7.2
Deleting and restoring the library for -50 errors We previously reported that ome users are experiencing an issue after updating to iTunes 7.3 where they receive the error message:

? "The iTunes Library cannot be saved. An unknown error has occurred (-50)"

when launching the new version. The error usually occurs during the "Updating iTunes Library" process. We noted that users may want to try re-creating the iTunes Library via the instructions in this Apple Knowledge Base article, or seeking out potentially problematic files in the ~/Music/iTunes Music/ folder.

It now appears that a full library deletion and restore may be required to eliminate this error:
1 Quit iTunes
2 Backup your iTunes library (the folder ~/Music/iTunes) to a separate location (can be on the same volume)
3 Delete the entire original ~/Music/iTunes folder
4 Launch iTunes and choose Import from the FIle menu
5 Select the backed up ~/Music/iTunes as a source folder
6 Restore any deleted preferences
Another fix for some -50 errors from Apple Apple has posted a Knowledge Base article (#305803) detailing a fix for another type of -50 errors -- the kind that occurs when attempting to authorize music purchased from the iTunes Store.

Apple instructs the user to delete the file NetworkInterfaces.plist from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration, then restart.

Cover art cannot be browsed MacFixIt reader John Clark reports an issue where album cover art cannot be browsed under iTunes 7.3. He writes:

"I've been receiving the message 'iTunes is unable to browse album covers on this computer' after updating. When I look at the list view, most cover art is there. Most frustrating, I have over 11,000 items in my library. Solution seems to be to downgrade to v7.2 until Apple has a fix."

Success with disabling APE for crashes on launch As reported yesterday, excluding iTunes from APE's (Unsanity's Application Enhancer) effective list can resolve some serious issues with iTunes, including an inability to launch. This is accomplished via the following process:
1 Open System Preferences
2 Click on the Application Enhancer Preference Pane located in the "Other" section.
3 Select Application Enhancer at the top of the haxie list.
4 Once selected, there will be a tab entitled "Master Exclude List" - select the "Master Exclude List" tab.
5 Use the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the window to open a navigation window. Navigate to the Finder, which is located in /System/Library/CoreServices. Select the Finder to add it to the Master Exclude List.

Failing the above steps, try uninstalling APE completely by re-downloading the Application Enhancer installer, then launching it and selecting the "Uninstall" option.

One reader writes:

"I tried removing iTunes by removing the application itself, the receipt packages, and anything related to iTunes on my computer. After multiple installs of 7.3, I almost gave up. The only way I could get iTunes to launch was by excluding iTunes in the APE control panel.

Another reader writes (ShapeShifter is a haxie that runs under APE):

"In regards to getting iTunes 7.3 to launch, all I had to do was exclude it from ShapeShifter. It appears the theming software was interfering somehow. What's interesting is that after I'd successfully launched iTunes with ShapeShifter turned off, I then quit the program, removed it from ShapeShifter's exclude list, and successfully launched it. It looks like the only place that ShapeShifter was interfering was with the EULA that you have to agree to every time you install a new version of iTunes."

lien du dmg 7.2 ( lien direct)
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PowerBook G3 Bronze
PowerBook G3 Bronze

Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2004
Messages: 5468

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 21:38    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

je teste tout ca merci
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PowerBook G3 Bronze
PowerBook G3 Bronze

Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2004
Messages: 5468

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 21:51    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

gloire à toi ooooh grand maitre Very Happy

1 Open System Preferences
2 Click on the Application Enhancer Preference Pane located in the "Other" section.
3 Select Application Enhancer at the top of the haxie list.
4 Once selected, there will be a tab entitled "Master Exclude List" - select the "Master Exclude List" tab.
5 Use the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the window to open a navigation window. Navigate to the Finder, which is located in /System/Library/CoreServices. Select the Finder to add it to the Master Exclude List.
ca marche nickel

à mon avis ca vient du fait que j'utilise shapeshifter
et que mon theme ne fait pas iTunes 7.3
je suis sur qu'il doit y avoir un truc la dessus
je vérifierais Razz

en tous ca me voila rassurer
2 ans 1/2 sans aucun souci
ca fait tout bizarre quand ca arrive
Very Happy

merci encore
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PowerBook G3 Bronze
PowerBook G3 Bronze

Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2004
Messages: 5468

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 21:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ben ca doit pas venir de mon theme
j'ai fait la manip inverse qui m'a permis de refaire marcher iTunes
et oh surprise
iTunes marche tjrs

bon bref
ca marche
c'est l'essentiel
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PowerBook 190
PowerBook 190

Inscrit le: 04 Sep 2004
Messages: 3734

MessagePosté le: Mer 04 Juil 2007 à 22:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Va en paix ô padawan

faut que j'arrête j'vais finir par me prendre (presque) au serieux
Very Happy

Ceci dit , en mode serieux
Je vois quelques soucis avec la 7.3 sur divers forrums
Pour l'instant j'évite et j'attends un peu
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Inscrit le: 22 Oct 2003
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Localisation: La Réunion

MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Juil 2007 à 8:14    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

sacré pascal ! rolling on the floor
MacBook Pro Retina 15" mi-2014 Core i7 2,5GHz 16 Go 512 Go (SSD) NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M macOS X 14.5
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Inscrit le: 31 Jan 2005
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MessagePosté le: Jeu 05 Juil 2007 à 8:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bha moi c'est le contraire.

Hier je lance Itunes et il se bloque en icon dans le dock.
Marqué "itunes ne reponds pas" quand je veux le killed.
Apres un reboot (qui ne voulais pas se faire), la machine était vautrer je n'ai jamais vu ca, itunes se lance et me propose une mise a jour, ca télécharge, j'installe et ca marche.

Aucun probleme a signaler.
J'ai pas trop compris mais bon...
iPod G4 40 go, Nano rev2 8 go, Powerbook G4 15", Mac Mini 1,42 + 1go RAM, Powermac G5 2x2 2.5 Go Ram, MacPro 3 GHZ 4go ram
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