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(1502) [Apple] Coup d’œil sur MacOS X 10.5.6 (à venir)

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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2006
Messages: 1889

MessagePosté le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 à 12:08    Sujet du message: (1502) [Apple] Coup d’œil sur MacOS X 10.5.6 (à venir) Répondre en citant

Apple a posté ce qui devrait être la dernière mouture de la future mise à jour de MacOS X en version 10.5.6 (build 9G38). Pour les anglophones, voici la liste de ce qu’elle va apporter à notre système d’exploitation. Beaucoup de promesses !


Mac OS X 10.5.6 build 9G38 Seed Note

Mac OS X Update 10.5.6 is an update to Mac OS X 10.5.

1) The Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update (Delta) updates

-  Mac OS X 10.5.5
-  Any earlier seed of Mac OS X v10.5.6 ONLY AFTER installing the included reversioner. If you installed a previous seed of Mac OS X v10.5.6, please install the enclosed Reversioner.pkg, do not restart but install the update immediately.

2) The Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update (Combo) updates

-  Mac OS X 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, 10.5.5
-  Any earlier seed of Mac OS X v10.5.6 ONLY AFTER installing the included reversioner. If you installed a previous seed of Mac OS X v10.5.6, please install the enclosed Reversioner.pkg, do not restart but install the update immediately.

Please be aware that you will not be able to revert back to your previous system after updating. Please install this update on a system you are prepared to erase if necessary.

As this is a pre-release build, it is not advisable to use this software on a production system with information on it that you depend on for your business.

Known Issues

-  None

Focus Areas with Additional Information

MobileMe / Syncing :

Please help test MobileMe automatic syncing. We are particularly interested in testing automatic sync on portable computers and on networks with medium to high latency and or constrained bandwidth. Please include the /Library/Logs/Sync/dotmacsync.log with any radars you file.

If you are working behind a firewall (ie. corporate proxy), we would like to know your experience with the syncing. If you have auto sync turned on, and you make a change from, or MobileMe website, does that change sync within a reasonable amount of time ? Also attempt general syncing of Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks and other sync data. Please watch for excessive syncing and file radars for any abnormal syncs.


The 10.5.6 release includes changes to improve Time Machine reliability in both the AFP Client and Server. The changes in the client will detect conditions that lead to corruption of a Time Machine backup disk image and eject the AFP volume before damage to the disk image occurs.

Mail :

We need people who send messages entirely in non Latin character sets, such as Hangul, Kotoeri, Traditional Chinese character sets. Including attachment names, punctuation, everything. We would also like to include those who send messages and enclosures in Latin character sets as well (French, German, Italian, etc). Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic would be another good set of writing systems to extensively test

General Focus Areas

-  AccountsPref
-  AddressBook
-  AFP
-  AirPort
-  apache
-  AppKit
-  AppleBacklight
-  AppleDictionary
-  AppleDisplays
-  AppleFWAudio
-  AppleGraphicsControl
-  AppleGraphicsPowerManagement
-  AppleHIDMouse
-  AppleHWRaidUtility
-  ApplicationFirewall
-  AppleWWANSupport
-  AutomatorActionsBinaries
-  ATS
-  Automator
-  backupd
-  BatteryMonitor
-  BezelServices
-  Bom
-  BomArchiveHelper
-  Bluetooth
-  BootCache
-  Calculator
-  CFNetwork
-  Chess
-  CoreAudio
-  CoreFoundation
-  CoreGraphics
-  CoreMidi
-  CoreServices
-  CoreTypes
-  cups
-  DirectoryService
-  DiscRecording
-  diskdev_cmds
-  DiskImages
-  Dock
-  DVDPlayer
-  DVDPlayback
-  Finder
-  Foundation
-  gnutar
-  GraphicsDrivers/OpenGL
-  HIToolbox
-  iCal
-  iChat
-  ImageCapture
-  Installation & Setup
-  IOSerialFamily
-  IOStorageFamily
-  Keyboard & Mouse
-  KeychainAccess
-  KeychainScripting
-  LoginWindow
-  Mail
-  MobileMe
-  Networking
-  Network File System
-  OpenSSH
-  Parental Controls
-  PDFKit
-  Printing
-  QuartzComposer
-  QuartzCore
-  RAWCameraSupport
-  Safari : HTTP Cookies, HTTP Proxies
-  SmartCardServices
-  Spaces
-  Spotlight Syncing
-  System Preferences
-  TimeMachine
-  TimeZoneData
-  udf
-  Video Conferencing
-  webdavfs
-  xnu

Areas of Change

-  Resolved issue with Automatic bookmark syncing and dotmacsyncclient
-  Fixed issue with Sync Services and slow sync prompt
-  Fixed issue with DVI and display detection
-  Issue with Superdrive and eject sound resolved
-  Fixed issue with MobileMe pref pane and periodic syncing
-  Fixed issue with printing a PDF file from
-  Resolved issue with LaunchServices and downloading playlists
-  Resolved problem with Sync Services and calendar syncing

Issues fixed in previous seeds :

-  Resolved issue with FileSync and FileSyncAgent
-  Fixed issue with syslog and duplicate message suppression
-  Fixed multitouch issue with Finder
-  Resolved issue with USB disconnect warning dialog
-  Fixed issue with notified syncs and dotmacsyncclient
-  Fixed issue with System Preferences and MobileMe sync tab
-  Issue with KeychainAccess and prompting of passwords resolved
-  AFP Server no longer caches FPGetSessionToken
-  AFP Server now turns off replay cache for non replay clients
-  AFP Client now advertises that it supports Replay cache
-  Bluetooth and USB in closed lid mode compatibility fix
-  FileSyncAgent syncing fix
-  HTTP basic authentication with long URL containing username/password fix
-  iCalExternalSync - you can now change the record identifier to RootNode
-  Misc localization fixes
-  Buenos Aires (Argentina) Local Time One Hour time change fix
-  Fixed issue with CFNetwork and Content-Disposition file names
-  Addressed issue with CoreTypes and certain zip file contents
-  Fixed problem with USB OTG Disks and Mass Storage
-  Fixed issue with Parental Controls and idle sleep
-  Fixed issue with Parental Controls and curfew login
-  Fixed issue with iDisk Syncing
-  Fixed Calculator issue with Swiss German
-  Fixed network server file copying issue
-  Addressed issue with AudioQueue and CoreAudio
-  Fix to Network Authorization UI
-  Fixed issue with AirPort Drivers and “off” setting
-  Issue with decoding GIF images and CoreGraphics resolved
-  Fixed issue with Mail and authentication of inactive accounts
-  Resolved issue with iCal Search and text search
-  Fixed issue with iCal Alarms not firing in certain situations
-  Problem with Quick Look and CoreGraphics resolved
-  Issue with iChat setup assistant fixed
-  Fixed issue with firewall configs being reset after upgrading
-  Resolved issues with CFURLCookies
-  Address books syncing fixes
-  AFP server login fixes
-  Graphic drivers performance fixes
-  New iCal Events and AppleScript applet fix
-  Safari and cookies compatibility fixes
-  Core Audio and AU component version mismatch fix
-  Multiple instances of MatrixReverb in separate threads fix
-  Core Audio compressor threshold fix
-  Switching default audio device’s output stream is now immediate
-  More channels for Core Audio 3D mixer
-  Programmatically created (public) aggregate device now plays correctly
-  Audio Channel Layouts and Unique ID fix
-  Changing the composition of an aggregate device audio dropout fix
-  kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensation property can now be set on an aggregate device
-  Renaming aggregate devices now propagate device name changes to all applications
-  AudioFileOpenURL memory management fix
-  CoreAudio AudioFileWritePackets file creation fix
-  audioqueue compatibility fixes
-  audio file stream compatibility fixes
-  ExtAudioFileCreateNew memory management fix
-  ADTS files now supports kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound
-  Core Audio performance fixes
-  CGDisplayBaseAddress and 64bit binaries compatibility fix
-  Command-H and applications hiding fix
-  FSCatalogSearch() on 64 bit binary app now returns correct results
-  iCalExternalSync floating events and stability fixes
-  iCal can now identify VTIMEZONE with a simple offset and no transition dates
-  Setting iChat setting to “invisible” via AppleScript now keeps you logged in
-  Embed ColorSync Profile” in Image Capture no longer leaves invisible file behind
-  Image Capture Architecture performance fixes
-  Show(Hide)Window() without Window menu memory management fixes
-  Linked binary with NFS shares fix
-  Keychain Access : Change Password now works for smart cards
-  AppleScript/Keychain Scripting now saves passwords as UTF-8
-  pthread operation support fixes
-  Access times on FAT32 formatted USB external drive performance fix
-  Fixed issue with large file (4gb+) writes to LINUX nfs server when initiated from finder
-  NFS export and hostname resolution at startup fix
-  copying from a framebuffer object to a texture via glCopyTexSubImage2D fix
-  GL_ARB_occlusion_query now works with multiple in-flight queries
-  Dealloc method of Cocoa PDE is now called when Print dialog is closed
-  Two-Sided Checkbox now follows PPD UIConstraints
-  Carbon Printing sheets and window flickering issue fix
-  ‘Collated’ can now be set as default in print dialog
-  Print sheet now honors first page/last page settings
-  PDFView now works with undoManager when its document is set
-  Paper sizes and some PPDs compatibility fixes
-  AERecord-to-NSDictionary translation now handles ‘usrf’ fields.
-  Support for serial smart card readers in pcscd
-  SyncServer performance fix
-  AppKit recognition of xml-format webarchives
-  Latest time zone changes for Brazil, Europe, Argentina, etc
-  Uploading of files to more than one webDAV volume at the same time fix
-  X11 application gnubg segmentation fix

IMPORTANT : Engineering requires additional information for crashing bugs, kernel panics, and hanging issues.

Crashing Bugs : Crash logs are required for crashing bugs. Crash logs can be located in /Library/Logs/CrashReporter

Kernel Panics : Backtraces, which contain vital information for investigating kernel panics, are required for kernel panic issues. Backtraces can be saved to nvram on restart shutdown, then copied to the panic.log file on restart. The panic.log file can be found in /Library/Logs/PanicReporter.

Hanging Issues : When an application is hung, a Sample should be provided. This can be done using the Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities/). To generate a Sample using this utility, click on the hung application name, then from the View Menu select “Sample Process”.

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Inscrit le: 22 Oct 2003
Messages: 19379
Localisation: La Réunion

MessagePosté le: Ven 05 Déc 2008 à 14:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

voilà maintenant plus de 2 semaines que cette seed est sortie et depuis plus de nouvelles. Sad
certains sites spécialisés l'annonçait pour vendredi 21 novembre... va encore falloir attendre ! Razz
MacBook Pro Retina 15" mi-2014 Core i7 2,5GHz 16 Go 512 Go (SSD) NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M macOS X 14.5
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Inscrit le: 22 Oct 2003
Messages: 19379
Localisation: La Réunion

MessagePosté le: Lun 08 Déc 2008 à 21:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ça avance encore, et c'est pas fini :
MacBook Pro Retina 15" mi-2014 Core i7 2,5GHz 16 Go 512 Go (SSD) NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M macOS X 14.5
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Inscrit le: 22 Oct 2003
Messages: 19379
Localisation: La Réunion

MessagePosté le: Ven 12 Déc 2008 à 7:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

et ça se finalise :
MacBook Pro Retina 15" mi-2014 Core i7 2,5GHz 16 Go 512 Go (SSD) NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M macOS X 14.5
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