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tintamarre PowerBook de Chêne
Inscrit le: 07 Mai 2004 Messages: 938 Localisation: Houte-Si-Plou
Posté le: Mar 20 Nov 2007 à 10:26 Sujet du message: |
Yep. Y a que ça :
Code: |
CHFLAGS(1) BSD General Commands Manual CHFLAGS(1)
chflags -- change file flags
chflags [-R [-H | -L | -P]] flags file ...
The chflags utility modifies the file flags of the listed files as specified by the
flags operand.
The options are as follows:
-H If the -R option is specified, symbolic links on the command line are fol-
lowed. (Symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal are not followed.)
-L If the -R option is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-P If the -R option is specified, no symbolic links are followed. This is the
-R Change the file flags for the file hierarchies rooted in the files instead of
just the files themselves.
The flags are specified as an octal number or a comma separated list of keywords.
The following keywords are currently defined:
arch set the archived flag (super-user only)
opaque set the opaque flag (owner or super-user only)
nodump set the nodump flag (owner or super-user only)
sappnd set the system append-only flag (super-user only)
schg set the system immutable flag (super-user only)
sunlnk set the system undeletable flag (super-user only)
uappnd set the user append-only flag (owner or super-user only)
uchg set the user immutable flag (owner or super-user only)
uunlnk set the user undeletable flag (owner or super-user only)
archived, sappend, schange, simmutable, uappend, uchange, uimmutable, sunlink,
aliases for the above
Putting the letters ``no'' before an option causes the flag to be turned off. For
nouchg the immutable bit should be cleared
Symbolic links do not have flags, so unless the -H or -L option is set, chflags on a
symbolic link always succeeds and has no effect. The -H, -L and -P options are
ignored unless the -R option is specified. In addition, these options override each
other and the command's actions are determined by the last one specified.
You can use "ls -lo" to see the flags of existing files.
The chflags utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
ls(1), chflags(2), stat(2), fts(3), symlink(7)
The chflags command first appeared in 4.4BSD.
BSD May 2, 1995 BSD
Y a par contre pas mal d'infos ici :
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20031017061722471 _________________ Martin
MacBook Pro i5 2,6 GHz 8 Go 256 Go SSD
MacBook Unibody 2,4 GHz 4 Go 120 Go SSD NVidia
Wp ++ - http://fr.wikipedia.org
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blackjmac Modérateur
Inscrit le: 04 Jan 2005 Messages: 16711 Localisation: /Library/Scripts/
Posté le: Mar 20 Nov 2007 à 12:36 Sujet du message: |
bon, je crois qu'il va falloir creuser bien pour trouver plus d'infos dessus
j'ai téléchargé Xcode pour Leo et vais le fouiller un peu aussi _________________ La mine d'or pour OS X - http://www.versiontracker.com/macosx/
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